Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Day 3-Sunday Jan. 11, 2009

Today we went to the Oakland Museum of California...we couldn't think of anything else to do, so we did something 'interesting'...NOT
So I said 'hey, let's go to Treasure Island (a man-made Island right next to the Oakland Bay Bridge), so we did...excellent views, but the only thing we didn't think about is that  it is a joint naval/coast guard base so we weren't allowed inside...but we went anyways...we drove through "restricted" USCG areas...but nothing stops us and our Prius!
After enjoying the excellent views from smack in the middle of the bay, we decided to go to this kosher chinese restaurant in Chinatown...but nobody there was Jewish! Apparently the owner of the restaurant is this old Chinese man who made many Jewish friends in Shanghai,  decided to make a restaurant  that his friends could eat at...
We went to the beach part of Golden Gate Park for the sunset...pictures online...

Photos can be viewed HERE

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